

Awkward is teen drama that is aired in MTV. This series falls under the genre of comedy-drama and romantic comedy. The show revolves around the life of a 15 year old girl named Jenna Hamilton who is having an identity crisis after an accident. Narrate in the first-person voice Jenna's blog post. "Awkward" captures the humor within the struggles in high school life. After the accident, she must deal with new shame, while at the same time managing the daily drama that comes being a teenager. Jenna loses her virginity at summer camp with the boy whom he addressed as the boy of his dreams. Unfortunately she feels cracked when he's too embarrassed to be seen with her. Jenna also gets a letter which ends a misunderstanding in which everyone think was an attempted suicide, and starts to realize that this mistake might actually her ticket to social visibility.

This series is shown in drama format. It is in such structure simply because it mirrored the life of teenagers which has love, lust, and life. This teen comedy show is really unique, real, and interesting not like other comedy series. It features a lot from high school, viewers reviewed about it liking the concept of the series from the pilot up to the last episode.

Awkward use different kinds of broadcast appeals:

  1.  Ego attachment: This series connects to every person who is fond spending their time with friends and other company. In relation of teenagers of today, they use characters who are appropriate and has appeal to the audience.
  2. Conflict: The characters each has a problem that they wont decipher. The dilemma here is two boys are in love in the same girl.

 Team Matty or Team Jake well I guess we should settle this one by watching the MTV's Awkward.


Jeans are not out of fashion.

I'm a Sagittarius? Are You?

I suppose your are interested in knowing what a Sagittarius could ever be?
So am I .

Sagittarius is a person who finds for ideas and experiences that draw you into greater awareness. As such, Sagittarius loves adventure, travel, and even philosophy. Sagittarius are extroverted, cheerful and optimistic. They believe that things will turn out well, and they trust much to luck.
I for one know that a Sagittarius is pretty optimists among others in the zodiac. They often look at the positive side of life and the silver lining to any dark cloud or problem. They are honest to a fault, for you can say what's on your mind before you realize that someone's feelings might be hurt. Others enjoy being with them when they are in outgoing, joyful and active mood. They wont lose hope and it is this inspirational perspective that leads them in greater success in all aspects of life.
Sagittarius can be a deep thinker, sometimes they over think things. Sagittarius are extremely tactful and diplomatic and they are not afraid of bending the rules if it will make everyone happy. They experience moodiness or depression however they may hide this side of themselves from the rest of the world. I'm may not be a zodiac fan, but relatively I see myself in those characteristics.

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” - Marilyn Monroe


10 ways to be happy

1. Stop trying to be perfect.

2. Be happy and satisfied with what you have.

3. Schedule some time for yourself.

4. If you are too stressed at work, take a break and refresh your energy.

5. Don’t be alone all the time.

6. If you are a working parent, take a break from work and spend time with your kids.

7. Be grateful to people around you.

8. Help Others.

9. Re-assess your priorties.

10. Laugh out loud atleast once in a day and keep smiling.

University of Santo Tomas